主页 > 知识库 > 实现shell终端代码分享(可用户登录 实现系统命令)

实现shell终端代码分享(可用户登录 实现系统命令)

热门标签:百度竞价排名 网站排名优化 铁路电话系统 AI电销 Linux服务器 服务外包 呼叫中心市场需求 地方门户网站

复制代码 代码如下:


int userlogin(struct passwd **);

int main()
 int ret,i=0;
 long ret_cwd;
 struct passwd *pw;
 char buf[128],hostname[16],usercwd[128];
 char *ptmp1;

  ret = userlogin(pw);
 }while(ret != 1);


//to gethostname
   return 0;
//truncate hostname untill '.'
   hostname[i++] = buf[i];
  i = 0;
//if the user is 'root' the symbol is '#'
//else '$'
//and the current work path is truncated from the last '/' to the end
  ret_cwd = (long)getcwd(usercwd,128);
   ret = sprintf(usercwd,"~\0",NULL);
  else if(strcmp(usercwd,"/")!=0){
   ptmp1 = strrchr(usercwd,'/');
   sprintf(buf,"*[%s@%s %s]# ",
   sprintf(buf,"*[%s@%s %s]$ ",
  ssize_t g_ret,len;
  char *line = NULL,*s_ret,*ptr=NULL;
  int con_cd=0;


  g_ret = getline(line,len,stdin);

  line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
  ptr = line;
  s_ret = line;

   s_ret = (char *)strsep(ptr," ");

   if(strcmp(s_ret,"cd") == 0){
   else if(con_cd == 1){
 return 0;

//login function
int userlogin(struct passwd **pw)
 char name[32],*passwd,*pret;
 struct spwd *sp;


 passwd = getpass("password:");

 sp = getspnam(name);
 if(sp == NULL){
  fprintf(stdout,"no is user![%s]\n",name);
  return 0;

 pret = crypt(passwd,sp->sp_pwdp);

 if(pret == NULL){
  return 0;

 if(strcmp(pret,sp->sp_pwdp) == 0){
  printf("login successful!\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"passwd is error!\n");
  return 0;

 *pw = getpwnam(name);
 if(*pw == NULL){
  printf("getpwnam(%s) error\n",name);
  return 0;

 return 1;


标签:崇左 仙桃 湖南 黄山 铜川 兰州 湘潭 衡水

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