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javascript asp教程第十课--global asa

热门标签:Linux服务器 服务器配置 科大讯飞语音识别系统 电子围栏 Mysql连接数设置 团购网站 银行业务 阿里云


First of all, what is a global.asa? It's an optional script file that holds certain "global" information that you can access through the entire ASP appliciation. The global.asa is a plain text file saved with the .asa extension.

You should only have one global.asa and it should go in your top level directory.

Below is an example global.asa file. Don't try to understand the script just yet. We'll get to the specifics in the next two lessons.


SCRIPT RUNAT="Server" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function Application_OnStart()
	Application("someVariableName")="some value"
function Application_OnEnd()
function Session_OnStart()
function Session_OnEnd()
	//Do Nothing

!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" 
FILE="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll" 

List of Can Do's:

There are four things you can do with a global.asa.

1) Object Declarations
2) Application Events
3) Session Events
4) Library Reference.

I don't expect you understand any of that yet. Just remember, there are only a few things we can do with the global.asa. Let's move on to lesson 11.

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