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Do not let the hero in such a vulgar a tough guy  ? ? these days there are several TV channels are broadcasting a series, called or occasionally glances with his family to see it, naturally do not know much of this work, but probably know what that means to express it。 Shaped by the focus on work than the Acura protagonist victim of this tough guy with the shortcomings of the like heroes。 His legendary life and those who risk their lives and daring feat indeed awesome stunning, but in the desire of a human point of view but also when the true face of the hero, seems to be overkill is suspect。  ? ? true heroes are people too; a man, there is bloody side, there is reckless, impulsive characteristics, especially those born in grass-roots or even wilderness of men, are more foul language, heavy loyalty, hard hard to tame characteristics, especially as a man, of course, there are men that think eating human desire 。。。 。。。 the weakness of human nature in them is no exception! Deal with these things, and supposedly have fundamental,adidas scarpe, not a threat to the hero's image and slander, but also to make it more rich and full flesh and blood, real, human face, which are all in the past shape the hero is a high, big, All of the practice is undoubtedly necessary corrective species is increased is progress, is a good thing; However, some details and language, seems a bit too much, too many people think too far too vulgar, and even the feeling of self-defeating : This production, whether the hero deceives crooked?  ? ? Looking at the past two years related to a similar TV project, the introduction of such competing script, is not some copy, emulate? Depiction of the characters, is not some aliasing? Who is so vulgar?  ? ? first Dan Guangrong this respectable but has a distinct personality of the lovable characters, all of a sudden to the boring, redundant sink screen enter the fresh blood, so, Dan Guangrong become a The resulting track while the wind stirred, then The main characters of the character traits roughly the same: one is born Caomin, brave and stubborn, bloody pride, highly decorated excellent image, on the one hand and cultural shallowness, staunch high-handed, reckless and so rude and vulgar, and even the shortcomings of Fei Qi, so the screen no lack of swearing, a lot of talk about the contents of a woman!  ? ? creativity do not know why so many people have exhausted the only track people? I will not speak to see more people will inevitably be suspected of visual fatigue, and said that the hero, after watching more, how heroes are suddenly felt so vulgar, vulgar? Original awe and hero worship for all of a sudden have collapsed like house of cards! Really do not know who would face such a hero, or because the vulgarity of the times to meet the current pulse of this spoof of the original desire to provoke and to challenge all traditional and subversive? Some people say, this is a spoof of the era, making fun of what people can not be used? This is a subversive year, what authority is not to classic to be subverted in overnight? What have you got a great hero? Look at your toes in the end that is the root of how shallow? Vulgar characters of not only suspected of a spoof of the audience suspected, further analysis, but also those who doubt the heroes, but is a blind cat distinguished exploits hit just lucky like a dead rat! Because with those who seek a mind less courageous and reckless act alone will be able to accomplish great things, the history is rare, the most prominent one is the King of Chu, Yong and no brain, counselors who have fled to fall to last even Fan was also an old mad! So that some air Liu physically very weak, they rely on a brain, he just put the world to seize it!  ? ? many soldiers were in the best is why is shaped like the keep the same type of people? The weakness of human nature has always everywhere, why is a tough guy to bring the hero profile belly cut open, filling the vulgar? There are also many foreign big tough guy hero mold making loud noise but not other people's characters so vulgar?  ? ? Please, Do not want to screen out those who are no longer fresh produce, vulgar, aliasing thing!  ? ? Otherwise, the image of the appreciation of the military, for the tough guy hero of the cult, now would taste!。



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