主页 > 知识库 > 中国400免费电话号码介绍(400电话是免费的电话吗)


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A China 400 Toll Free access number is a ten digit number that could look like this: 4006-700555. The 4006 prefix is often referred to as "4006" phone service but is more typically abbreviated further as China 400. The number enables your China conference call participants to access the China 400 toll free access number from where they happen to be located –by a regular fixed landline or a mobile phone. .

The good news is that the availability of the China 400 toll free number is now making it possible for international businesses and organizations in China and around the world to develop a much broader footprint for international conference calls with Chinese participants. Offering a China 400 toll free number to callers in China will dramatically improve your conference call participation, furthering advancing the goals and communicative process of your organization. Conference call participants in China, irrespective of whether they call from a fixed land line or a mobile phone, can join your international conference call by calling the China 400 toll free number.




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标签:仙桃 六安 合肥 渭南 梅河口 佳木斯 陕西 乌海

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