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optimize table出错解决方法

热门标签:外呼系统 记事本 银行业务 电销行业 客户服务 客服热线 回拨系统 分布式呼叫中心
一个某某库大概360W,为了提高查询效率,做点优化,使用optimize table table.name;出现Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead

Everytime you do optimize MySQL, by using mysqlcheck -A -o or using ./mysql_optimize from here.
You may see the output

Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead.

It is because the table that you are using is InnoDB.

You can optimize the InnoDB tables by using this.


ALTER TABLE table.name ENGINE='InnoDB';

This will create a copy of the original table, and drop the original table, and replace to the original place.

Although this is safe, but I suggest you do backup and test first before doing this.

ALTER TABLE table.name ENGINE='InnoDB';


You can make OPTIMIZE TABLE work on other storage engines by starting mysqld with the --skip-new or --safe-mode option. In this case, OPTIMIZE TABLE is just mapped toALTER TABLE.


标签:公主岭 绵阳 阿里 广东 拉萨 阜阳 滨州 德州

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