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Windows 照片查看器弹出COM Surrogate错误提示的解决办法

热门标签:呼叫中心案例 万科 电话机器人搭建 电销机器人源码 铁路电话系统 硅谷的囚徒呼叫中心 科大讯飞语音识别系统 电销机器人

运行环境:Windows 8.1 (64bits)

异常描述:打开"Windows 照片查看器",试图放大或缩小窗体,弹出"COM Surrogate”错误。

解决方法:首先,COM Surrogate是什么?


The COM Surrogate is a fancy name for Sacrificial process for a COM object that is run outside of the process that requested it. Explorer uses the COM Surrogate when extracting thumbnails, for example. If you go to a folder with thumbnails enabled, Explorer will fire off a COM Surrogate and use it to compute the thumbnails for the documents in the folder. It does this because Explorer has learned not to trust thumbnail extractors; they have a poor track record for stability. Explorer has decided to absorb the performance penalty in exchange for the improved reliability resulting in moving these dodgy bits of code out of the main Explorer process. When the thumbnail extractor crashes, the crash destroys the COM Surrogate process instead of Explorer.


1. 途径一:重装VGA驱动。


2. 途径二:添加dllhost.exe。

点击“设备 - 电脑信息 - 高级系统设置 - 高级 - 性能 - 设置 - 数据执行保护”, 勾选“为除下列选定程序之外的所有程序和服务启用 DEP(U):”,点击“添加”,添加“C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe”,然后点击“打开”。由于我的是64位系统,得到了“你不能在64位可执行文件上设置 DEP 属性”。解决失败。

标签:黄石 黔东 六安 天门 株洲 南通 呼和浩特 新余

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