主页 > 知识库 > [英文]IVR监控工具帮助呼叫中心处理技术问题


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IVR systems are ubiquitous in the world of customer service but up until now those employing were relying primarily on customer response to address any technical issues within their platform. But now there is an alternative. Pronexuswhich is known for its robust line of IVR management tools has released a new utility designed to monitor and report any technical malfunctions that could be occurring on a customer service IVR platform. This will allow users to quickly identify and address problems and eliminate customer bottle necks.
IVRgaurd offers users an intuitive password protect web interface, a detail oriented log and a script builder that can be used to test specific aspects of the IVR or speech recognition software. The log will make note of each call-in attempt and will specify exactly where a disconnection takes place.
“As an IVR solution provider it is essential to our customers that we offer a fail-safe IVR solution,” said Denis Solodnikov, senior client application architect atVocantas, in the products press release. “The IVRguard solution is one more edge we give our customers over their competition with an IVR solution that is the most robust and complete offering on the market today.”
Considering that even a slight error on a high volume call center’s line translates into a huge number of lost calls, any utility that can help target and correct the error is welcome.
“IVRguard is based on our award-winning IVR software VBVoice,” said Pronexus CEO Gary Hannah in a statement. “We are pleased to offer our customers yet another innovative solution to help ensure their business continuity 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For our customers that provide mission-critical services, IVRguard now offers an extra measure of security to protect their customers and users.”
Chris DiMarco is a Web Editor for TMCnet. He holds a master’s degree in journalism from Quinnipiac University. Prior to joining TMC (News - Alert) Chris worked with e-commerce provider Suresource as a contact center representative and development analyst. To read more of his articles, please visit his columnist page.


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